Circe by Madeline Miller

Though I have not fully read the original myths that contain the basis for the Circe story, I can absolutely say that, even if not accurate to the stories of old, Circe in this book is a tale that I love to read over and over. To see how Miller interpreted the hierarchies of the Titans, Gods, Nymphs, and mortals was interesting and compelling.

As I continued reading, I really wanted to see all of the adventures that Miller had her be a part of, and I hoped for a reprieve for her as she went through times of strife within the narrative. A beautiful retelling of a Deity who (I believe) only had a small part in the tales of other heroes and Gods.

There is also the female dynamic and how that affects her role within the story. A truly well-rounded retelling that reflects interestingly on modern society.

Published by Hannah Rachel

I am a Writer from the North West of England with a passion for books, writing, art and everything creative.

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